R&D&I agents
International TEC-IDI Group
Working Group for supporting the international participation of actors within the Extremadura Science and Technology System in Competitive R&D&I Calls. Coordinated by OPE-SECTI, this group provides comprehensive support to agents involved in knowledge and talent generation, as well as in technological transfer and development, including their infrastructures. Furthermore, it focuses on providing support to organisations that drive the competitiveness of the business ecosystem.
Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX)
The Extremadura Energy Agency Consortium aims to support the public sector of the Autonomous Community in the design and implementation of its energy policy, assuming responsibilities and providing objective advice in the development and monitoring of its energy projects.
Iberian Centre for Energy Storage Research (CIIAE)
It is a pioneering infrastructure focused on renewable energy storage. The centre combines basic research, technological development, and business innovation to cover the entire energy storage cycle, from materials chemistry to innovative pilot plants.
Jesús Usón Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery (CCMI JU)"
The CCMIJU is a multidisciplinary institution dedicated to research, training, and innovation in the healthcare sector. Committed to technological development and healthcare innovation, it collaborates with companies worldwide. The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, unique scientific facilities, and “in vivo” preclinical services.
Foundation for Advanced Computing and Technologies of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX)
It promotes the development of information technologies, the use of high-performance computing, and advanced communications as tools for sustainable socioeconomic development. The foundation stimulates civil society participation by mobilising its resources and paying special attention to fostering cooperative relationships between public and private research centres and the productive sector.
Extremadura Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETA-Ciemat)
A non-profit business association aimed at providing common research, development, innovation, analytical, training, and information services to support the competitive development of companies in the agri-food sector.
Scientific and Technological Research Centre of Extremadura (CICYTEX)
A public research centre that supports private businesses in Extremadura by incorporating R&D&I into their production processes. It comprises the Agricultural Research Institute ‘La Orden-Valdesequera’, the Agri-food Technology Institute of Extremadura, the Cork, Wood, and Charcoal Institute, and the Centre for Organic and Mountain Agriculture.
National Agri-food Technology Centre (CTAEX)
A non-profit business association that provides common research, development, innovation, analytical, training, and information services to support the competitive development of companies in the agri-food sector and ensure consumer safety.
A group of public companies under the Government of Extremadura, aimed at providing services to private businesses in the region at different stages of their development. Its goal is to enhance their competitiveness while promoting the industrial and business development of Extremadura.
Fundecyt fundation Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura (FUNDECYT-PCTEX)
Its mission is to contribute to the social and economic utilisation of science and technology, support the promotion and management of scientific and technological development, achieve better exploitation of research and innovation, and stimulate civil society participation by mobilising its resources.
Foundation for Training and Research of Healthcare Professionals of Extremadura (FUNDESALUD)
The Foundation for training and research of healthcare professionals of Extremadura (FundeSalud) is a non-profit organisation within the Public Health System of Extremadura, serving general interest purposes and attached to the Health and Social Policies Regional Ministry of Extremadura Goverment.
Institute of Archaeology-Mérida (IAM)
The IAM is a centre where the State Agency and the Regional Government of Extremadura work together, through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Digital Agenda, to promote scientific research on archaeological heritage, from the regional level to the international stage. (Este ya en español estaba mal escrito, pero está el significado correcto traducido)
Technological Institute for Ornamental Stones and Building Materials (INTROMAC)"
Institute established as a public consortium approved and participated by the Regional Government of Extremadura. Its objective is to improve the competitiveness of companies, particularly SMEs, in the construction and natural stone sectors of Extremadura through R&D and innovation activities.
Regional Government of Extremadura (JUNTAEX)
The JUNTAEX is the institution responsible for organising the self-government of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain). Its functions and powers, such us establishing the general policy and managing the regional administration, are derived from the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura, enacted on 25 February 1983
A consortium formed by the Provincial Council of Badajoz, along with the municipalities and associations of municipalities within the province, aimed at the supra-municipal management of local environmental services, including waste management and the Integrated Water Cycle.
The Health Service of Extremadura (SES) is the body responsible for managing the public healthcare system and services in Extremadura.
University of Extremadura (UEX)
The University of Extremadura is a public university with headquarters in Badajoz and Cáceres (Autonomous Community of Extremadura). It serves as the sole public university for the entire region, with two campuses (Cáceres and Badajoz) and two university centres (Plasencia and Mérida). It has over 24,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, while an additional 8,000 are enrolled in doctoral programmes, specialised degrees, or continuing education courses. Teaching is delivered by 1,500 professors, and the institution employs over 800 administrative, technical, and service staff